Saturday, December 7, 2019

Self Representation for Healthcare Services -

Question: Discuss about theSelf Representation for Healthcare Services. Answer: I believe that nursing practice advocates the requirement of administering healthcare services in accordance with the ethical issues faced by the patient population in the healthcare setting (Shahriari, et al., 2013). The strategies, goals and actions that I would require executing in the healthcare settings will be based on the individualized requirements and healthcare challenges faced by the treated patients. I consider the requirement of preserving human dignity, social justice, altruism, decision-making autonomy, precision in caring, human relationships, responsibility towards healthcare-profession, trust, sympathy and individual competency while administering healthcare services to the patients in a healthcare setting. I consider the requirement of accomplishing my professional obligation in terms of administering reliable and safe healthcare services to the eligible patients (Nganga Byrne, 2015). The nurse professionals must acquire authority and control over the work environ ment in the healthcare setting and delivery of patient-care services. I think that timely sharing of significant patient information between the multidisciplinary healthcare professionals is of paramount importance for systematically resolving the patient-related issues (Nganga Byrne, 2015). The nurse professionals need to be respectful to the patients and behave politely while undertaking healthcare interventions for the systematic enhancement of wellness outcomes of the treated patients. I believe in the requirement of establishing a therapeutic relationship between nurse professionals and treated patients for the effective enhancement of patient-care outcomes in the clinical setting. The nurse professionals need to establish effective communication pattern with the treated patients with sincerity, kindness and courtesy (Kourkouta Papathanasiou, 2014). Nurse professionals need to deploy scientific methods for the successful acquisition of patient-care outcomes. They must impleme nt evidence-based nursing care strategies for reducing the treatment barriers and improving the pattern of patients trust and compliance to the recommended treatment regimen. I think that the nursing profession is occupied with many challenges that require effective mitigation with the deployment of accountable and competent nurses. The nurse professions need to exhibit transparency while serving the patient population. They should articulate facts and compare them with the findings of evidence-based medicine while undertaking several decisions for the enhancement of healthcare outcomes of the treated patients (Baumann, et al., 2014). I think that the accountable nurse professionals might require shifting their boundaries while dealing with complex medical emergencies. However, they need to remain well-aware regarding their standards and duty of care and should understand the associated legalities of the nursing profession (Cox, 2010). I think that registered nurse professionals sho uld practice the healthcare norms stipulated by Nursing and Midwifery codes of ethics in the context of reducing the burden of diseases across the community environment (Griffith, 2015). I think that the nurse professionals should actively comply with the approaches advocated by Synergy Model for effectively enhancing their performance and associated patient-satisfaction rates following the administration of nursing-care interventions. Synergy Model advocates the requirement of configuring the pattern of understanding and trust between the healthcare teams and treated patients (Khalifehzadeh, et al., 2012). The model also emphasizes the requirement of active collaboration between healthcare teams for enhancing the wellness outcomes. I believe that the nurse professionals should systematically utilize these standardized approaches while dedicatedly serving the patient population. References Baumann, A. et al., 2014. Accountability: The Challenge for Medical and Nursing Regulators. Healthcare Policy, 10(SP), pp. 121-131. Cox, C., 2010. Nursing Management. Legal responsibility and accountability, 17(3), pp. 18-20. Griffith , R., 2015. Accountability in district nursing practice: key concepts. British Journal of Community Nursing, 20(3), pp. 146-149. Khalifehzadeh, A., Jahromi, M. K. Yazdannik, A., 2012. The impact of Synergy Model on nurses performance and the satisfaction of patients with acute coronary syndrome. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 17(1). Kourkouta, L. Papathanasiou, I. V., 2014. Communication in Nursing Practice. Materia Sociomedica, 26(1), pp. 65-67. Nganga, N. Byrne, M. W., 2015. Professional practice models for nurses in low-income countries: an integrative review. BMC Nursing. Shahriari, M., Mohammadi, E., Abbaszadeh, A. Bahrami, M., 2013. Nursing ethical values and definitions: A literature review. Iraninan Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 18(1), pp. 1-8. Reflection of a Healthcare Event in Nursing Practice in the Context of Rolfe Model Recently, a healthcare event highlighted in my practice setting the requirement of administering therapeutic interventions to the treated patients (in the clinical setting) while surpassing any scope of inappropriate dose administration. I consider the requirement of elaborating this healthcare event in the context of Rolfe Model (Rolfe, 1999). I believe that accuracy in configuration of clinical reports regarding diagnostic or therapeutic interventions is of paramount importance for effectively retaining the trust and confidence of the patient population of the administered clinical interventions (Hannaford, et al., 2013). The healthcare event related to in my practice setting revealed the pattern of inappropriate dosage administration by an esteemed oncologist to the treated cancer patient in the hospital setting. The hospital authorities could not clarify whether the event occurred due to inappropriate dose configuration or because of preparation of a fault report by the concerned physician. I personally believe that the concerned hospital did not acquire a systematic approach for administering appropriate therapeutic dosage to the treated patient with the engagement of qualified nurse professional. I think that the nurse professionals need to identify and understand the medication adherence guidelines stipulated by the World Health Organization for the systematic enhancement of patient-care outcomes in the clinical setting (Jimmy Jose, 2011). They need to evaluate patients behavioural patterns and the level of their compliance to the therapeutic regimen while administering therapeutic dosages in accordance with the physician recommendations. Indeed, the non-adherence of patients to the recommended treatment approaches might also facilitate medication errors and associated debilitating patient outcomes. Most importantly, miscommunication of therapeutic plans can give rise to serious treatment flaws, thereby compromising with safety and life of the treated p atients (Jimmy Jose, 2011). I believe that the absence of a collaborative approach at the prescribing level resulted in the treatment/report configuration flaw thereby leading to chemotherapy dosage report discrepancy. The inappropriate dosage administration could have resulted in life threatening condition for the patient and incorrect report formulation might have misguided the healthcare professionals while configuring nursing care goals and prospective treatment interventions. The hospital might also have lacked system of accurately tracking the documentation related to medical-decision making in the clinical database. The deployment of qualified nurses who acquire appropriate skills for configuring the clinical notes and registered the patient findings in medical database is highly required for avoiding the scope of errors and flaws in the process of medical-decision making. I think that absence of the pattern of compassionate care in the healthcare setting resulted in the pattern of inappropriate dosage administration and subsequent incorrect report preparation by the healthcare professional. I believe that from the nurses viewpoint, the nurse professionals need to acquire appropriate behavioural skills and adaptations with the objective of administering errors free medical interventions for the systematic enhancement of patient outcomes (Cheragi, et al., 2013). I think that the nurse professionals need to understand the adversities and profound consequences faced by the healthcare professionals following the errors in medication by healthcare professionals. Improper utilization of drugs and additional hospitalization investments increases the financial burden on the treated patients and predispose them towards acquiring co-morbid state that significantly increase their disease burden across the community environment (Cheragi, et al., 2013). I could have taken proactive steps in the presented situation for effectively reducing the deviation of healthcare professionals from standardized medical procedures. In the current situation, the oncologist deviated from acquiring ap propriate behaviour and attitude while catering to the healthcare requirements of the treated patients. I think that many factors can divert the attention of the treating physicians and nurses while delivering medication interventions to the treated patients (Choo, et al., 2013). These distractions must be systematically avoided with the objective of reducing the potential interruptions that restrain nurses and physicians while administering therapeutic dosages to the eligible subjects. I could have modified the pattern of work strategies of nurses and physicians while increasing their interdisciplinary coordination for reducing the scope of errors in the transfer of clinical information. I could have facilitated the organization of education sessions with the objective of elevating the level of awareness of patients regarding their healthcare requirements. Patient knowledge of therapeutic dosage in the presented event could have resulted in her resistance to the administration of i ncorrect dosage. Furthermore, knowledge of nursing professional regarding the recording and transfer of therapeutic information in clinical database could have reduced the scope of preparation of erroneous chemotherapy dosage report. I think that nurse professionals and physicians need to minimize potential gaps in their medication knowledge that might lead to serious flaws in patients therapeutic management (Simonsen, et al., 2014). In the presented event, probably the physician did not communicate the prescription information appropriately with the concerned nurse professional that resulted in the fatal medication error that considerably increased the risk of the treated patient in terms of acquiring clinical complications. I believe that the enhancement of staffing levels and elevation of nurses knowledge regarding clinical documentation, medication technique, route of administration, unauthorized access to medication, missing medication, dosage and timings is highly warranted for ascertaining the safe administration of treatment interventions to the eligible patients (Feleke, et al., 2015). I believe that the healthcare professionals and must attain special training for evidentially investigating the causes o f treatment errors and appropriately documenting them in the clinical database of every patient who receives treatment in the clinical setting (Keers, et al., 2013). I consider the requirement of undertaking evidence-based strategies for reducing the occurrence of preventable adverse drug events in the clinical setting. Indeed, nurse professionals need to effectively coordinate with pharmacists, nutritionists, physicians and other healthcare team members for effectively improving the quality of treatment interventions and minimizing errors in therapeutic administration. I think that healthcare professionals need to minimize the unsafe cats, lapses and slips and knowledge-based mistakes while undertaking therapeutic administration to the treated patients. I also believe that violation of the instructions provided by experienced physicians should be avoided by nursing professionals and they need to escalate clarifications in the case of medication-based discrepancies for their systema tic resolution. References Cheragi, M. A., Manoocheri, H., Mohammadnejad, E. Ehsani, S. R., 2013. Types and causes of medication errors from nurse's viewpoint. IJNMR, 18(3), pp. 228-231. Choo, J., Johnston, L. Manias, E., 2013. Nurses' medication administration practices at two Singaporean acute care hospitals. Nursing and Health Sciences, 15(1), pp. 101-108. Feleke, S. A., Mulatu, M. A. Yesmaw, Y. S., 2015. Medication administration error: magnitude and associated factors among nurses in Ethiopia. BMC Nursing. Hannaford, N. et al., 2013. Learning from incident reports in the Australian medical imaging setting: handover and communication errors. BJR, 86(1022). Jimmy, B. Jose, J., 2011. Patient Medication Adherence: Measures in Daily Practice. Oman Medical Journal, 26(3), pp. 155-159. Keers, R. N., Williams, S. D., Cooke, J. Ashcroft, D. M., 2013. Causes of Medication Administration Errors in Hospitals: a Systematic Review of Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence. Drug Safety, 36(11), pp. 1045-1067. Rolfe, G., 1999. To fill the gap between theory and practice: a model of clinical nursing. Professioni Infermieristiche, 52(2), pp. 80-83. Simonsen, B. O., Daehlin,, G. K., Johansson, I. Faru, P. G., 2014. Differences in medication knowledge and risk of errors between graduating nursing students and working registered nurses: comparative study. BMC Health Services Research. Current Media Article Addressing the Healthcare Event An article published by CBC news exposes a similar event that occurred because of a fatal medication error by the healthcare team (CBC-News, 2014). The administration of the wrong medication to an elderly patient resulted in her brain damage and cardiac attest in the clinical setting. The patient died immediately after the administration of inappropriate medicine. The patient was presented earlier in the emergency room department with several questions regarding her treatment regimen and related dosage requirements. Most probably, nurse professionals and physicians could not effectively address the patients concerns that resulted in her lack of knowledge regarding the treatment regimen. Furthermore, healthcare teams did not acquire situational awareness in relation to the healthcare quality and patient safety issues (IOM, 2010). Resultantly, nobody could track the serious flaw in the medication administration that resulted in the unexpected death of the treated patient. I believe tha t the hospital medical database did not systematically register the therapeutic adversities experienced by the treated patients. Eventually, due to lack of awareness regarding the therapeutic regimen, healthcare professionals administered inappropriate medication to the patient, thereby leading to her untimely death. Indeed, the healthcare teams (including nurses, physicians, paramedics and medical students) must acquire knowledge of evidence-based medicine databases for effectively recording and tracking the therapeutic information, clinical history and history of adverse events experienced by the treated patient (Novak, et al., 2010). Eventually, this step will safeguard the health and wellness of the patient while undertaking treatment interventions in the clinical setting. I believe that the absence of knowledge regarding the mechanisms warranted for tracking the treatment barriers attributed to the administration of incorrect drug to the treated patient. The nurses and physicia ns might have encountered difficulty in understanding the personal perceptions, culture, religious approaches, beliefs, apprehensions and compliance level of the patient that resulted in difficult therapeutic management and administration of inappropriate medicine in the state of confusion. I think that in the context of the presented event, the nurses and physicians require to develop interdisciplinary communication for configuring collaborative strategies with the objective of evaluating the individualized treatment discrepancies related to the treated patient (Subramaniam, et al., 2010). I believe that the nurse professionals need to acquire knowledge regarding holistic care approaches and accordingly treat the psychosocial and spiritual manifestations of the patient while concomitantly disseminating awareness regarding therapeutic regimen and associated adverse effects. Nurse professionals need to acquire autonomy in such a manner that they remain accountable for their tasks and comply with the medication administration standards for reducing the scope of medication errors and associated patient adversities in the clinical setting. I think that the healthcare teams need to develop potential leaders for stabilizing their workload with the objective of managing the healthcare requirements in a systematic manner. I believe that the stringent compliance of patients with the professional norms, conventions and ethics assist them in managing their healthcare behaviours in the context of administering safe healthcare interventions to the patient population. Nurse professionals need to utilize motivational factors while administering healthcare interventions to the treated patients in the healthcare setting. They must utilize their prior hospital experiences in the context of evaluating the healthcare needs and treatment challenges of the admitted patients. I think that the knowledge of previous medication errors can provide a thorough insight to the nurse profess ionals in the context of configuring systematic strategies for minimizing their occurrence of treatment errors in their clinical practice. I believe that the professional environment of the clinical setting must equitably consider the accountability of each medical professional in relation to the assigned healthcare requirement (Zamanzadeh, et al., 2015). The provision of penalizing the medical professionals in cases of careless medication errors is highly required for the administration of safe therapeutic interventions to the eligible patients. I think that the nurse professionals as well as physicians need to configure therapeutic communication with the treated patients and conscientiously administer person-centred, holistic and evidence-based treatment interventions for safeguarding the pattern of health and wellness of the treated patients. I also believe that the nurse professionals as well as physicians need to develop compatibility between their healthcare-profession, behavi our and personalities with the objective administering culturally appropriate healthcare interventions to the treated patients while systematically minimizing the scope of medication errors. References CBC-News, 2014. Hospital medication error kills patient in Oregon. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 05 2017]. IOM, 2010. Creating Situational Awareness: A Systems Approach. In: Medical Surge Capacity: Workshop Summary.. s.l.:National Academies Press. Novak, K. et al., 2010. Awareness and Use of Evidence-based Medicine Databases and Cochrane Library Among Physicians in Croatia. Croatian Medical Journal, 51(2), pp. 157-164. Subramaniam , M. R. et al., 2010. Awareness and utilization of emergency medical services by limited English proficient caregivers of pediatric patients. Prehospital Emergency Care, 14(4). Zamanzadeh, V. et al., 2015. Effective Factors in Providing Holistic Care: A Qualitative Study. Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 21(2), pp. 214-224. Portfolio evaluation in Relation to the Nursing Practice I personally believe that nursing practice requires undertaking evidence-based decisions by the registered nurse professional in the context of handling difficult and complex clinical situation. The systematic management of work stress while retaining precision in the caring process in substantially required for enhancing the pattern of safety, health and wellness of the patient population. Nurse professionals need to accomplish their professional obligations while effectively configuring the pattern of a therapeutic relationship with the treated patients. Indeed, effective communications between the nurse professionals, physicians and patients are highly required with the objective of minimizing the scope of treatment flaws, medication errors and associated patient adversities(Ghiyasvandian, et al., 2015). I believe that the nurse professionals need to practice evidence-based medicine and gain through knowledge regarding the hospital databases for effectively registering medication adversities, treatment requirements and healthcare challenges experienced by the treated patients. The Nursing and Midwifery code of ethics provides substantial evidence of the healthcare pre-requisites and treatment approaches warranted for the systematic enhancement of psychosocial outcomes of the patient population. The establishment of interdisciplinary coordination is of paramount importance for systematizing the process of therapy administration to the treated patients(Lancaster , et al., 2015). The nurses must also acquire knowledge regarding the evidence-bases strategies required for investigating the fatal errors executed while administering medications to the patient population. Nurse professionals need to gain benefit from their previous clinical knowledge and experience in relation to safeguarding the health and wellness of the treated patients in the hospital setting. The equitable administration of culturally appropriate healthcare interventions to the patients of vari ous age groups, nationalities and origin is highly required in the context of reducing the scope of bias in treatment approaches. I believe that nurse professionals require utilizing person-centred and holistic healthcare approaches for effectively maintaining the continuity of care and reducing the scope of occurrence of fatalities and patient deaths following the systematic administration of the therapeutic regimen. References Ghiyasvandian, S., Zakerimoghadam, M. Peyravi, H., 2015. Nurse as a Facilitator to Professional Communication: A Qualitative Study. Global Journal of Health Science, 7(2), pp. 294-303. Lancaster , G., Kolakowsky-Hayner, S., Kovacich , J. Greer-Williams , N., 2015. Interdisciplinary communication and collaboration among physicians, nurses, and unlicensed assistive personnel. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(3), pp. 275-284.

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